Just a small post today to say I have switched to using Hugo for blogging, and currently trying out the retro looking Terminal theme for Hugo.

I’ve found it pretty easy to switch to, and there are a few colour options (my personal preference as always is Blue).

If you are interested in starting a blog, now is the time to do it and using a generator like Hugo makes it super simple to use.

Here’s some of the reasons why I’ve decided to use Hugo:

  1. Speed and Performance: Hugo generates static HTML files, resulting in faster page loading and a more responsive website. This improves user experience and SEO. The fantastic host Netlify supports it, which makes hosting your blog super easy.

  2. Security: Static sites are more secure, with fewer vulnerabilities compared to dynamic sites due to the absence of databases and server-side processing.

  3. Simplicity: Hugo is easy to install, configure, and use. Content is written in Markdown, and Hugo handles the rest, eliminating the need to manage databases or server infrastructure.

  4. Easy Content Version Control: As your posts are stored as Markdown, you can easily track changes with version control systems like Git.

  5. Theming and Customization: Hugo offers various themes for design, and you can customize or create your own themes using its flexible templating system. As I’ve mentioned above, I am using the Terminal theme.

  6. Portability: Static files make it easy to move your blog to a different host or server without complications or vendor lock-in. I have mine set up using CI/CD, so I just need to publish the static files straight to my host.

  7. Content Agnostic: Hugo is versatile and suitable for various types of content, such as documentation or personal websites. I’m obviously using it for a blog, but you could use it for your own business to generate the website as well.

  8. Active Community: Hugo has a thriving community of developers and users who contribute themes, plugins, and documentation, offering support and resources for users.

  9. SEO-Friendly: Hugo’s clean, optimized HTML output is inherently SEO-friendly, with further enhancements available through customization of metadata and URLs.

  10. Low Maintenance: With minimal server-side processing, Hugo sites require less maintenance and fewer updates.